To Torture A Prince

“To Torture A Prince” is an abstract, satirical drama based on the life, writings and misfortunes of the Italian diplomat, writer and philosopher, Niccolò Machiavelli. This piece looks at his beliefs revolving around power and diplomacy after his wrongful torture and imprisonment in 1512. It is an analysis of a man’s inner torment, and his advice to world leaders of the past, present and future. On the surface, it may seem that his influence is irrelevant; however, his significance lives on through notable politicians that changed the course of history through his wrongful means. To Torture A Prince explores the true meaning of leadership and the test of time for a Renaissance inquisitor. Should we lead with fear or rather love? Does anyone really know the answer?

To Torture A Prince premiered at the ON THE EDGE Fringe in August 2022, winning the festival’s Jurors Choice Award.

Creative Team

Playwright and Director – Ian McCormack

Dramaturg and Costume Designer: Darwin Parkes

Stage Manager – Abby Alexander

Asst. Stage Manager and Prop Designer – Sylas Conacher